Project SKIPP

Frederick Mann fm1 at
Fri Sep 25 00:42:53 CEST 2009

--On Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:03:34 PM -0500 David McDivitt <david at> wrote:

> Those are some interesting books, Frederick. I'll look into them.
> About entrainment, I see no need devote much to that. Realizing it's OK to
> break free addresses most of it.

In over 30 years of addressing "breaking free,"
and being in contact with thousands of people,
I've come across only 3 who "naturally broke
free." You may be the 4th. (Historically, there
have also been some notables like Swift, Voltaire,
Stirner, Nietzsche, Timothy Leary, and  R. A.
Wilson, who broke free to a considerable extent
-- but I don't know that many of their readers
break free, except maybe partially, some people
involved with the "Church of the SubGenius.")

My take is that without technology that can
physically change the brain, Project SKIPP
would not work.

> Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) seems like an interesting angle. People
> are emotionally bonded to society and supporting it, after all. Other than
> telling people it's OK to be an asshole if you want to, I don't know what
> more there could be. But it is possible to be self focused or self aware,
> and not be an asshole, so maybe this could be explored.

EFT can help people get unstuck, generally.
It's also useful to overcome "psychological
reversal" -- people using their brains more
to hurt than help themselves

> It seems like you're describing a form of super-cognition. This might be
> where the mind determines whatever new way to be, steps to attain that, and
> through focus attains it. I've reprogrammed myself in probably four
> different areas so I know this is possible.

The essence of GHDC (General Human Deficit
Complex) is to identify all the important
things that people might need to reprogram.

The essence of HDR (Human Development Roadmap)
is to come up with a gradient sequence for
each individual on how to progress toward what
certainly could be called "super-cognition."

> I've gotten a bit lazier over time. I often like to sit and do nothing.
> Maybe think a little. Pursuing SKIPP means I would have to do something,
> unfortunately.

At least 3 more SKIPP "foundation books":

1. 'Dark Ages: The Case for a Science of
   Human Behavior' - Lee McIntyre

2. 'Kluge: The Haphazard Construction of
   the Human Mind' - Gary Marcus

3. 'Why We Lie: The Evolutionary Roots
   of Deception and the Unconscious Mind
   - David Livingstone Smith

I've just started #3 and gotten to where
Smith writes: "The mind that you and I
possess is, in its essentials, a Stone
Age mind."

To me, this translates to "Stone-Age BRAIN"
or "Dark-Age BRAIN."

Brain-altering technology may be vital to

> Having a discussion group where people discuss some of this stuff would be
> good. I'd be interested in that.

Already being in the list business, are
you willing to set up and run such a

Frederick Mann 

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